
Showing posts from 2021

Animals around us: Oviparous, Viviparous, Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores - Lesson plan, Interactive Activities and Worksheets.

Lesson: Animals around us Topic: Oviparous, viviparous, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Subject: Science Grade: Primary and upper primary Material: flashcards, interactive videos, and worksheets. Learning outcomes:  Identify different features  of birds and animals. classify carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. know about the group behaviour of animals and birds. show concern towards animals and birds.            Here is a simple lesson plan and interesting activities to teach about 'how animals birth?' and what they eat?  Task 1: Show some animals and birds flashcards and have a discussion. Ask students, where do they live? how are their body and shape? ..etc Now tell your students to classify those animals into two types and write them in the below table.  Task 2:               Now tell your students that animals are two types based on their birth. Use the below picture to explain the concept....

Interactive Quiz -"Simple past and Present perfect." and "Could you and Would you mind."

  Topic: "Simple past and Present perfect." and "Could you and Would you mind." Here is an interactive quiz to practice the "Simple past and Present perfect." And also have some bits of "Could you and Would you mind." You can download the PPT from the below link.  This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office . Download the PPT

Say 'NO' to Bullying - Anti- Bullying Lesson Plan and Activities

Topic: Say 'NO' to Bullying Grade : Primary and upper primary The main idea and activities of the lesson plan are to raise awareness of bullying for students. Use this lesson to teach your students about, what bullying is, what it looks like, anti-bullying concepts, and take action to stop it when they see it along with the language aspects. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: learn what Bullying is. listen to a dialogue and demonstrate understanding by answering true or false questions. ask questions during the discussion. know that being bullied makes people feel bad. understand the word meaning in context by choosing the correct definition of the words. read and understand the reading text by identifying the main ideas and transferring the supporting details into a table. do a role play in groups. Material:  picture, audio clip (dialogue), task sheets, situation cards Presentation:   Show the below picture of children being bullied. Ask some ...

The MISSILE MAN OF INDIA- APJ ABDUL KALAM Life Story- Digital Lesson and Project Work.

Lesson: The Missile Man of India - APJ ABDUL KALM Subject: English Skills: Reading, writing and presentation                                  Here I have prepared this lesson using the "StoryMap Js " tool. This is an interactive tool connected with maps. Along with this, I have given a link to a quiz on TED-Ed. Students can watch the video and take the quiz. I have taught the lesson to my students and given a task to prepare an "Abdul Kalm's Missile". Here you can see the pictures of my student's work. Bio of APJ Abdul Kalam:                               Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931 to a Tamil Muslim family in the pilgrimage centre of Rameswaram on Pamban Island, then in the Madras Presidency and now in the State of Tamil Nadu. Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist who served as the 11t...

"Integration of Puppets in Story Telling and Sequencing"

                  Storytelling comes alive with puppets. Puppets are a good way to deliver information to students and help them understand and retain it. It helps students to retell information they've learned and remember it. Teachers can use puppets to demonstrate proper pronunciation, take them into an imaginary world, and also help students develop language skills. Puppets allow students to escape into an imaginary world. The purpose of the puppet is to create interaction, fun dialogue, and even an element of surprise into your play and learn activities.  Puppets lend themselves to being the characters in your stories and allow your child to join in with the action. So I use to prepare the characters and backdrop of the lesson to take them into the imaginary place. And also help them to walk into the story. I use puppets in different ways to teach lessons. Here I have prepared the puppets and pasted them on the green board to teach ...

TEACHING "WH" QUESTIONS - Lesson plan and activities.

Topic: ' Wh'- Questions Subject: English Grade: Secondary Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be...                           able to construct interrogative sentences.                          able to understand the use of "Wh-question' words.                Questioning is a major form of human thought and interpersonal communication. Questioning is fundamental to successful communication - we all ask and are asked questions when engaged in conversation. So here is a lesson plan for teaching questioning using"Wh question words."                The ability to ask WH questions is important and proper understanding is needed for the students. Before introducing questions from the text, they need to have a good foundation, things like what a question is and loo...

Anger management- Lesson plan and activities

           Anger energizes us to deal with the things that bug us in a healthy way or in a destructive way that can hurt others. We can manage angry feelings by stopping and thinking about how to care about ourselves and others. It's an interesting lesson plan and activities to teach about 'anger management.' Objectives: Students will be able to listen to a story and answer questions about it. talk about a past situation that has made them feel angry, and what they did in reaction to their anger. talk about the consequences of those actions, and what they should do differently next time they’re angry Presentation:    Before starting the lesson paste the below story slips on the board and ask your students to rearrange the storylines in the correct order. And then show students the Angry Birds video and read the Angry Birds story out loud while the video is played. After playing the video, the teacher asks students questions pertaining to the ...

Conjunctions (so and because') - A Lesson plan and activities to teach conjunctions 'so and because' inductively.

Topic: Conjunctions Lesson: 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Objectives: Students should be able to:      Match sentence parts using the conjunctions 'so' and 'because'. Construct sentences using those conjunctions.  Understand the usage of 'so and because'                 This is an interesting theme-based story to teach 'conjunctions.' Conjunctions are one of the complex topics for the students. Especially understanding and use of 'so and because' while combining two sentences, many students have some difficulty. So here is the story of 'Mr. Rat and Mr. Owl' have a theme of 'Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.' The cause-and-effect storylines help them to understand the difference between 'so and because' and construct sentences easily. Presentation: Step 1:                  Share the story with your students. Tell them to read the story and understand the theme, actions, and characters. Ask s...

Simple Future Tense Lesson Plan and activities - Angry Birds Birthday Party.

                  An interesting lesson plan and activities to teach simple future tense easily and effectively. The lesson has been prepared around the story of "Angry Birds." It has speaking, writing, and creative thinking activities. It is very useful to teach online with interactive activities and downloadable printouts.  Topic: Simple Future Tense Objectives:  Able to understand the simple future tense and use verbs correctly and appropriately Able to form simple sentences with ‘will’ and ‘will not. Able to create a ‘Friendship Pledge’ using the simple future tense.  Story:      Once upon a time, there were three happy birds. Papa Bird was yellow, Mama Bird was red, and Baby Bird was blue. They were very happy because Mama Bird had just laid three beautiful, shiny eggs. The eggs were resting safely in the nest. Nearby, three Biggy Noses were watching the eggs. They were very hungry and wanted to eat the egg...

Simple, fun, and creative writing activities for 'nouns, plurals, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs'

                  Young children are wonderful at absorbing a new language. They can get a maximum of language through games and activities that they find funny. Their success in learning a foreign language does not depend on their knowledge of grammar. As Pinter (2006) stated that children can use grammatical structures very well, they can speak language clearly, but they are not able to say why they use a particular structure. If teachers teach grammar, it is very important to do it in context. 1. NOUN SORT (COMMON and PROPER NOUN):                             I have planned this simple activity after an explanation of the topic. I have prepared this worksheet to create interest and also for better understanding. The worksheet has four sections of 'person, place, thing, and animal. In every section, there have two blocks for 'common and proper noun.' So this gives a clear...