
Showing posts from December, 2023

Means of Transport and Modes of Transport - Creative and Innovative Activity

Title: Interactive Means of Transport Diorama Objective: To understand and distinguish between different modes of transport through a creative and interactive diorama. Materials Needed: 1. A4 sheet paper 2. Vehicle images (printouts or magazine cutouts) 3. Gum/glue 4. Color pencils Means of transport are the different types of transport facilities used to move people or cargo. Modes of transport are the different types of transport machines used for moving people or cargo. Here is a fun, creative, and interactive activity to teach about the concept. Instructions: 1. Setting the Scene: Begin by asking the students to draw a road at the center of the A4 paper. The road should extend from the bottom to the top of the paper. 2. Adding the Environment: Instruct the students to color the space under the road with a blue color to represent the sky. 3. Creating the Skyline: Ask the students to draw clouds at the top of the paper to create a skyline. 4. Selecting and Coloring Vehicles: Distrib...

Professions and Services - Community Helpers Craft Writing and Speaking Collage Activity

Lesson: Professions and Services Title: Community Helpers Collage Activity Objective:  The objective of this activity is to help students understand the roles and responsibilities of different community helpers while enhancing their creativity and fine motor skills. You can use this activity in the "Community Helpers Lesson Plan for Primary and Kindergarten." Materials Needed: 1. Color papers (various colors) 2. Scissors 3. Glue 4. Printed images of community helpers (e.g., police officer, firefighter, doctor, teacher, etc.) 5. Markers 6. Large sheets of paper or cardboard for the background (optional) Instructions: 1. Introduction:    Begin the activity by discussing the concept of community helpers with the students. Talk about who community helpers are and the important roles they play in our society. Show images or small props representing various community helpers to engage the students. 2. Materials Distribution:    Distribute colour papers, scissors,...


  A lesson plan helps you organize your thoughts, objectives, and resources in a structured manner. It provides a roadmap for the entire teaching session. It should be adaptable to the students' needs, providing room for adjustments based on their understanding and engagement. AP SCERT has released the model lesson plans to help teachers plan their teaching-learning process more effectively and engaging. Here you can download the unit-wise plans. Click Here To Download The Class 5th/Grade 5th Lesson Plans. CLASS 3rd/ GRADE 3rd LESSON PLANS  Telugu Lesson Plans: 1. à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుతల్à°²ి 2. మర్à°¯ాదచేà°¦్à°¦ాం 3. à°®ంà°šిà°¬ాà°²ుà°¡ు 4. à°¨ాà°¬ాà°²్à°¯ం 5. à°ªోà°¡ుà°ªుà°µిà°¡ుà°ªు 6. à°®ే à°®ే à°®ేà°• 7. à°ªà°¦్యరత్à°¨ాà°²ు English Lesson Plans: 1. Tenali Rama and Thieves 2. The Recipe Book 3. The Loyal Mangoose 4. Help Me Please 5. The Good Samaritan 6.  Do Good And Reep Good 7.  The Lazy Grasshopper (Note: The Above English lesson plans are prepared by the Teachers.) Math Lesson Plans: 1. Let's Recall 2. Numbers 3. Ad...


 A lesson plan helps you organize your thoughts, objectives, and resources in a structured manner. It provides a roadmap for the entire teaching session. It should be adaptable to the students' needs, providing room for adjustments based on their understanding and engagement. AP SCERT has released the model lesson plans to help teachers plan their teaching-learning process more effectively and engaging. Here you can download the unit-wise plans. CLASS 5th/ GRADE 5th LESSON PLANS Telugu Lessons Plans: 2 . à°¸ాà°¯ం 3. à°•ొంà°¡à°µాà°—ు 4. జయగీà°¤ం 5. à°¤ోà°²ుà°¬ొà°®్మలాà°Ÿ English Lesson Plans: 1. Mallika Goes to School. 2. My Sweet Memories. 3. The Necklace. 4. Kalam with the Children 5. The Wonderous Women 6. The Wise Judgement 7. Kabaddi...Kabaddi... (Note: The above English lesson plans are teacher-prepared lesson plans.) Maths Lesson Plans: 1. Let's Recall 2. My Number World 3. Addition and Subtraction 4. Multiplication and Divison 5. Multiples and Factors 6. Geometry 7. Data Handling  EVS Les...