Anger management- Lesson plan and activities

           Anger energizes us to deal with the things that bug us in a healthy way or in a destructive way that can hurt others. We can manage angry feelings by stopping and thinking about how to care about ourselves and others. It's an interesting lesson plan and activities to teach about 'anger management.'


  • Students will be able to
  1. listen to a story and answer questions about it.
  2. talk about a past situation that has made them feel angry, and what they did in reaction to their anger.
  3. talk about the consequences of those actions, and what they should do differently next time they’re angry


   Before starting the lesson paste the below story slips on the board and ask your students to rearrange the storylines in the correct order.

  • And then show students the Angry Birds video and read the Angry Birds story out loud while the video is played.
  • After playing the video, the teacher asks students questions pertaining to the story.

  1. How many birds were there? 
  2. What colours were the birds? 
  3. How many eggs were in the nest? 
  4. What insect sat on the eggs? 
  5. What did the birds do to that insect? 
  6. Who stole the eggs?
  7. What were they going to do to the eggs? 
  8. How did the birds feel when their eggs were stolen.


  • As soon as the word ‘angry’ is mentioned by any student in response to question 8, the teacher immediately writes that word in the middle of the board or screen. 
  • The teacher asks students what they normally associate with that word. For example, ‘fight’, ‘bully’, ‘unfair’, ‘sibling rivalry’, ‘painful’, ‘unhappy’, and ‘cheated’. Pupils come up and write the words on the board in the form of a mind map. 

  • Next, give students a few minutes to think about situations that have made them feel angry in the past.
  •  Explain that they are going to write a sentence beginning with “I felt angry when….”.                                                   Example: “I felt angry when my money was stolen yesterday.” 
  • Ask your students to write any 5 situations that have made them feel angry and present in the class. Here are some examples.

  • After the presentation, explain to the students that anger is a natural emotion that everyone feels, just like the angry birds did. 
  • Emphasise that it is not anger itself that is bad, but rather what we choose to do in reaction to that anger.  
  • Pose these questions to get students to think about the consequences of wrong reactions to anger
  • Next, draw this chart on the board or screen, and fill it up using the answers suggested by the students in the previous step.

  • Tell your students to talk to each other about their personal experiences and use the information to fill up the chart. Example

  • Download the worksheet to do the activity. Click here
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