
Showing posts from April, 2020

Story transaction of" Dr. Dwarakanath kotnis" using the "StoryMap JS" Tool

                     A story map is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or story. By identifying story characters, plot, setting, problem and solution, students read carefully to learn the details. ... The most basic focus on the beginning, middle, and end of the story.                 Story Maps are used for teaching students to work with story structure for better comprehension. This technique uses visual representations to help students organize important elements of a story. Students learn to summarize the main ideas, characters, setting, and plot of an assigned reading.                           Here I have prepared a story of Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis using the "STORYMAP JS" online tool provided by . Have a look.

"Turn your story lines to speak - A lively story creation"

                    Audio helps recall memories, enhance brain activity and stimulate the brain (Molyneux, 2007). Audio media is very useful in developing the listening skills of students (especially for language learning). Audio media supports distance learning. Audio media helps in memorization (music, mnemonics, etc).  The result is an engaging way of storytelling that invites creativity and collaboration. Audio is a powerful device that can add emotion or context to a story. So using a online tool you can give liveliness to your stories or events. You can add emotions, speech, meaningful music and direct music to the sentences and words in a story. You can prepare such audio stories and use in your classroom to create great interest among your children. SoundCite is a simple-to-use tool that lets you add inline audio to your story. The audio is not isolated; it plays right under the text. You can go to  knightl...

"MY FAMILY - Unit Transaction Part 2" (Extended speaking and writing activities.)

Lesson: MY FAMILY Class: 1st grade  Skills: Speaking and writing.                          Young students, especially those in elementary school don’t benefit from long attention spans. Keeping your students engaged while teaching them better writing skills is no small task. Regular reading is a stepping stone to better writing and helps kids’ strengthen their writing skills. It helps expand children’s vocabulary and shows them different ways of using words. This also makes it easier for them to use these words in their own writing. So I plan my every activity to give scope to integrate speaking, reading and writing skills. I have used same activity to develop speaking, reading and writing.                            I hope you have read the first part of the unit transaction. In this post you can see the next part of transaction. ...

"MY FAMILY" - Unit Transaction Part 1 ( Rhyme translation and speaking tasks)

Unit: MY FAMILY Class: Primary. Skills focused: Listening, speaking, and creative skills.                                Teaching to young learners is a quite hard task for teachers. They have a lot of energy. Rather than trying to squash this energy, find positive ways to use it in the classroom. You want to create a safe, stress-free environment in which everyone can enjoy learning. Also, it is important to make your lessons relaxed, fun, and creative so that students get moving around and speaking with one another.                                     So I have planned my lessons in a fun and interesting way. Children love rhymes and the repetition of words, ideas, and skills is important for early brain development, as it creates secure foundations for early learning. Using rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in so...