
Showing posts from March, 2018

Class 2nd Telugu Lessons Reading Videos - ట్ట (ITTA), ల్ల (ILLA), న్న (INNA), ర్ర (IRRA), ప్ప (IPPA), ద్ద (IDDA) ఒత్తులు పరిచయం

                          I have uploaded primary basic reading videos of Telugu language from Class 1 textbook in my previous post. In this post, I am uploading the advance learning videos from the 2nd-grade textbook.                            I am uploading eight lessons videos in this post. In these, you can get Guninthalu Revision and OTTULU Introduction videos. ట్ట (ITTA), ల్ల (ILLA), న్న (INNA), ర్ర (IRRA), ప్ప (IPPA), ద్ద (IDDA)   ఒత్తుల దిత్వాక్షర పదాలు  -OTTULU words and Guninthala Revision (గుణింతాల పునశ్చరణ) videos are available in this post.                            Learning OTTU words ( దిత్వాక్షర పదాలు)  is more difficult in the language learning stage. Children will feel difficulty to learn these words and leads to disimprovement ...

Telugu Guninthalu Self Learning Videos and Worksheets ( గుణింత ఒత్తులు " ొ, ో, ౌ, ం, : " పరిచయం )

                                  These are the third part of the videos to learn Guninthalu easy and effectively. In these videos, I introduced five OTTULU ( ఒత్తులు ), " ొ,  ో,  ౌ,  ం, : , " for all the letters. You can download and practice with your children in your classroom. These videos will help to engage the class and give an effective learning environment in the classroom. And you can download related worksheets to practice writing after these OTTULU. It is effective material than charts and flash cards because nowadays children are easily attracting to technology and learn their self. Such content also retains in their brain than other things. So using technology and such video in our teaching leads to attaining targeted academic skills among the children.                            So I hope you download ...

Comparative Degree Grammar Activity -Primary Class

Academic Standard: Grammar and Speaking Topic: Positive vs Comparative, Grade: 3rd.                                         Teaching grammar to primary school children is somewhat difficult. We cannot teach grammar isolate since their cognitive levels are not that much to understand the grammar topics. So we need keen on teaching grammar for primary school children. We always teach the grammar for the primary children in the situational base. Later they understand the basic structure and feature of the topic and use in their communication.                                   So I always use an activity to teach the grammar to my children. Here I gave this activity to teach and understand the primary basics of the Postive and Comparative degree for my 3rd-grade children....

Easy Self Learning Videos and Worksheets for Telugu Guninthalu ( గుణింత ఒత్తులు " ు, ూ, ె, ే, ై " పరిచయం )

                            These are the second part of the videos to learn Guninthalu easy and effectively. In these videos, I introduced five OTTULU ( ఒత్తులు ),  " ు, ూ, ె, ే,  ై " for all the letters. You can download and practice with your children in your classroom. These videos will help to engage the class and give an effective learning environment in the classroom. And you can download related worksheets to practice writing after these OTTULU. It is effective material than charts and flash cards because nowadays children are easily attracting to technology and learn their self. Such content also retains in their brain than other things. So using technology and such video in our teaching leads to attaining targeted academic skills among the children.                            So I hope you download the videos and use in ...

Telugu Guninthalu Practice Videos for beginners ( గుణింత ఒత్తులు " ా, ి, ీ " పరిచయం )

                                I prepared these videos to practice and learn the TELUGU GUNINTHALU - తెలుగు గుణింతాలు for beginners and slow learners. I have posted Telugu reading videos in my previous posts. After learning those words, we introduce the pattern of Telugu Akshamala. Those practicing videos also posted in my previous post. Once children have learned and identified the simple words ( సరళ పదాలు ) and Aksharalu ( అక్షరాలు ) we start Guninthalu ( గుణింతాలు). I have introduced four letters and a few OTTULU only in each video as per the learning style and cognitive level of the low-performance children. Because they cannot learn the whole GUNINTHAM in a single attempt and learning will be a burden to them. It leads to disinterest to learn the Gunitham and backwardness in the subject and skills.              Nowadays, language experts and educ...

Telugu VARNAMAALA Worksheets, practice videos and Activities (తెలుగు వర్ణమాల మరియు కుృత్యాలు)

                    Here I prepared two videos to practice the Telugu alphabet and recognize the letters in a random way. Especially these videos help the teachers to create interest among the children and reduce the work burden and children for self-learning. Though these are regular videos they will help the teachers to learn the alphabet for Dyslexia and low-performance children. Because of the new way of teaching the TELUGU language is changed from "Letter to the Word" to "Word to the Letter" since learning happens from known to unknown. So once you are taught the words then you need to introduce the alphabet in the particular word. So in this word-based teaching, you need to practice the alphabet separately between the periods. So these videos may help your children to learn and memorize the alphabet better than traditional teaching.                   This is the vide...

Telugu Alphabet Reading Videos "Class I"

                        I have prepared these videos especially to develop the language skills of low-performance children. The Dyslexia children in my class showing great interest when teaching use these videos. And normal children are more interesting and learning also increasing very rapidly while using these videos. This teaching method also got published by the British Council and Center Square foundation jointly as one of the best top 20 teaching Methods in India for the year 2017 in the magazine " Teaching With The Technology - Case studies from India."                        Nowadays children are attracting to the digital content, and I have noticed even such children can sing the difficult rhymes and movie songs though they not yet good in studies. So I started teaching with these videos and noticed great change among my low-perf...