
Showing posts from October, 2016

Picture Interaction- Animating the Picture

Class: 4 Lesson: Green is Life Topic: Picture Interaction Academic Standards: Speaking Reading, Writing and Creative Expression.                         The picture takes a vital role in learning. So transacting a picture in the lesson is very essential to achieve or target the academic skills. Because a picture can lead to developing the multi-skills in the children. So the transaction of the picture should be important in learning. If we drag the children's attention towards the picture it will be a good session. In order to achieve those skills, the transaction method of a picture should be effective. So as a teacher you need to think over it.                     Here I am going to discuss my method to transact a picture in the classroom. I have been using this method for a year and the results are amazing. After the interaction or transacting the picture, 80 percent o...

An Approach to Understand, Learn and Assess the ALPHABET better

Subject : Language - English Class : PrePrimary and Ist Grade Skill : Reading and Writing.                    Children are not learning the language in our classrooms, they acquire the language. In order to learn the language skills you need to start with listening skill. Until and unless you are not giving good listening to them, language learning will not happen. So we need to follow the psychological order of language skills L, S, R and last W. So learning language in few schools has been hurry without of better understanding. That's why children are not responding to drawing interference questions.                              Coming to writing part and also learning the alphabet, we should first concentrate on recognizing the letter. So, to recognize the letters we need to provide such environment, worksheets and activities to the early school children....

Transaction of the "Nation's Strength" poem

Subject: English Lesson: A Nation's Strength poem Class: 4th Grade Skills: Creative Expression and writing. Objectives :    To understand the vocabulary   To use that vocabulary in those daily situations   To understand the people in the nation   To understand the moral and patriotic values of a citizen.                       We know very well every nation builds with people not with buildings. People are the nation. Some people work for the nation by doing a job in the Army, Navy, and Airforce. They are not working for their children and they scarify their lives to the nation. Through this poem I want to educate my children how are they working for their nation in the borders and who are the real citizens of a nation and what characters should we possess to be a good citizen. I educated my children by showing a video of the three forces, how the soldiers are working in the real fie...

NOUN SORT - Grammar Worksheets

Class: 4th Grade Topic : Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Skill : Grammar                       Using grammar worksheets will help a lot to Government School children and teachers. I am always searching for such worksheets to teach grammar joyfully without any burden. If you teach grammar isolate to that age group children, their cognitive levels can't understand the grammar topics. So teaching grammar in primary schools should be in contextual. So I have been using such grammar activity sheets whether they understand the concept well or not.                                                After completion of explaining, I have instructed my children to read the nouns in the given worksheet, discuss with their partner and identify the common nouns and proper nouns. Later they have written in the table.  ...