5 Practically Proven Activities to Teach Vocabulary Effectively.
Topic: Vocabulary,
Grade: Pre-Primary and Primary,
Skills: Reading and Writing.
Vocabulary is the heart of the language, and it is the primary thing to speak a language. Teaching vocabulary is a great challenge to teachers teaching English as a second or third language. Children also face learning difficulties in spelling or writing the word correctly. However different learning-oriented activities will help to reduce the disorders in teaching vocabulary. Here are five practical activities to learn the vocabulary effectively.
1. Spinning Picture Wheels:
Picture Wheels are one of the good TLMs in learning and drilling the vocabulary. You need to prepare such wheels to do the activity. This will help the children to visualize and remember the words easily and long. Along with them, simple worksheets will help the children to drill the vocabulary.
Children will spin the wheel, identify the picture, and color the correct word in the given worksheet. This will help the teachers and students to create a learner-centered classroom environment. It will also help to create speaking activities.
2. Vocabulary Bricks:
Vocabulary and Word bricks will help the children to recognize and learn the words effectively. This will be used to get an integrative idea or concept on a particular thing or content. Children will pick the related vocabulary of the topic or thing and paste those slips on the image or model.
- Choose a thing or content to develop or learn the words related to that.
- Choose the vocabulary that you want to teach the children.
- You need to prepare word slips by writing those words.
- Tell your children to bring the image or prepare the model related to the content.
- Now place the prepared word slips at a corner and ask your children to pick and paste the related vocabulary on the image or model.
3. Place the Picture, Read and Colour the Word:
Pictures will help the children to remember and get the word easily. Prepare pictures or flashcards based on the content and vocabulary.
- Tell your children to sit in a circle.
- Distribute the worksheet, which you want to teach and practice.
- Place the pictures in between the children.
- Tell your students to pick a card and identify the word in the worksheet and then read and colour.
- He places the card back in the middle, picks another card, and colour the word.
- Like all the students do the activity until they complete the worksheet.
Minds Map is also one of the good strategies to develop vocabulary. Prepare your children to create a mindmap after completing the lesson. You can choose characters, places, and themes in a lesson to prepare the mind map for your students. Ask your children to prepare a mindmap of the characteristics of a person in a lesson or things discussed in the story ...etc.
This will help your children to pick different vocabulary and get the concept of the lesson very easily.
This is an enjoyable reading activity for early primary children. The main aim of the activity is to identify and read the word. You will get a proper idea to observe the below picture to play and prepare the worksheet. This will help to target the multiple skills in a single activity.
- You need to select 6 different types of words in the content.
- Prepare the worksheet by including as many words related to the 6 groups.
- Because of Dice has only 6 numbers.
- Now prepare the worksheet like this and allotted a number to each group of the word.
- Now ask your students to roll the dice and identify the words connected to the number and colour the group of the words.
Here you can see, that I assigned "2" to "ho" words and instructed them to colour the words orange.
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