Lesson Plan and Transaction Process of the Video Lesson "Rainy Day"

            This lesson plan is designed around a short film about a Rainy Day by me and the theme of nature. Students watch a short film about a situation that happened on a rainy to a boy. 
           The main objective of the video is to develop the reading skills and understand the reading part of the lesson given in the Andhra Pradesh Govt Primary Class-II English Textbook and the themes of nature, obeying the parents, creative thinking and learning a language. Especially to develop speaking opportunities and create an English environment in the class in terms to support the teachers to reduce the usage of the first language in the transaction of a lesson. 
           Here I am describing the transaction of the lesson using this video and supplementary activities should follow to achieve the standards of the lesson.

Language Level: Primary and below
Learner Type: Beginners
Activity: Watching a Short Film, Speaking, Reading, and Creative thinking.
Lesson: Rainy Day.
Class: II
Language: Vocabulary in the lesson ( pupil, mile, leave, proud, wet, dirty, heavily, suddenly, slipped,                                                              and clothes.)
Material: Short Film, Reading Slips, and Picture cards.

Step 1

Ask the following questions to your children by showing the picture.
  • What are there in the picture?
  • What is happening in the picture?
  • What is the girl carrying?
  • Where are the children going?
  • Do you go to school when its rain?
  • What are the children doing?
  • Have you ever played like this?
  • What do you wear when it rains?
  • What happened to the boy?
  • Have you ever had such an experience?
  • If it rains, do farmers feel happy? Why?
Step 2

Tell your children they are going to watch the short of a short video in which they see the pictures of a boy, mother, raining, tractor, and friends. As they watch their task is to try to understand what is happening and try to facilitate the children by explaining the scene in the pictures. Show the video until 01:50.

Step 3

Now explain and give the brief of the story until the pause and ask the following questions to your children. While asking the questions give the supporting clarification to the questions by replaying the video if they felt difficult to answer that question.
  • What is the name of the boy?
  • Which class was Rajesh in?
  • How far was his school from his house?
  • Where is he going?
  • What was he proud of?
  • Why didn't his mother want him to wear the new shirt on that day?
  • How was the day?
  • What happens, if you go out in the rain?
  • Was he obey her mother's words?
  • Can you guess what happened next?
while asking the questions drag their concentration to identify and understand the key vocabulary to acquire the language.
(mile, proud, pupil, raining, shirt, wet, dirty, wear, and umbrella)

Step 4

Go back to the point in the video you paused at Rajesh went out with the umbrella. Tell them, Rajesh is the pupil of the second class. It's raining heavily and he wished to wear his new shirt. But her mother warned him not to wear it since its raining. But he denied her mother and went with his new shirt. Now ask them to predict the story of what happens next by asking some interactive questions.
  • What will happen to the Rajesh?
  • Will he reach the school safely?
Encourage them to imaginative and creative. After interaction with them tell them they are going to watch the rest of the story and check their predictions. Show the rest of the video.

Step 5

Now ask your children to answer the following questions.
  • What happened to the boy?
  • Why did he fell down?
  • what happened to his clothes?
  • Did his books get dirty?
  • Did he go to school?
  • What happened to the Rajesh, if he denied her mother?
  • Have you ever experienced such a situation?
Hold a plenary discussion session based on the questions.

Step 6

Show the video again,  but this time pause at key moments and get children to describe what is happening. Facilitate your children to understand the key vocabulary of the scene. Ask a few analytical questions to aware of the theme of the story. 
  • Ask the children to share their rainy day experiences.
  • Educate the children about the importance of obeying the parents.
  • Ask your children to write a few words about a rainy day, what would you like to do such a day?
 Step 7

Prepare reading slips of the lesson shown in the video to develop the reading skills among the children. Use those reading slips during the video next time you play and ask your children to identify the words and read the words after listening to the audio. Support your children to read fluently and understand the meaning of the phrase or sentence by using the video and reading slips.     ( Go to the link to find the supporting reading activity  Amazing Reading Activity) 

Download the Video
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