A fun way to teach adjectives - Language and Craft activity.
Topic: Adjectives.
Class: Primary and secondary.
Skills: Speaking, Writing, Grammar, and Creative Expression.
When teachers use activities that make learning engaging and fun, students are more willing to participate and take risks. Having fun while learning also helps students retain information better because the process is enjoyable and memorable.
Here I am going to describe how I have taught "adjectives" topic to my 3rd-grade students in an activity-based. I have started my session by pasting the below flashcards on the board and asked some questions.
- How is the plant?
- How is the coconut tree?
- Are they have the same height?
- How do the boy and man look like?
- Who can lift heavyweight? Why?
- How is the ant?
- How is buffalo?
- How is the lady?
- How is the boy?
- What is the boy doing?
- Is the boy doing a good or bad job?
(You can add your own questions.)
By asking the question I want to elicit some describing words like tall, short, fat, thin, big, small, old, young, good, bad, beautiful, handsome...etc. I have encouraged them to respond in their mother tongue and translated the describing words into English and wrote on the board. Later I have made them read the words well though they don't have a proper understanding. I have just only given the meanings of the words.
Then I have told them we are going to play a language game.
Language Game: "Snow Ball
It is one of the well-known
language games to develop creative writing skills. I have used this game to
stimulate my students to write about his/her friend using the describing words.
How to play:
- Make sure students should read and know the meaning of the describing words before playing the game.
- Tell your students to take a white paper and write their name on the top of the paper.
- Tell your students crush or fold the paper and make a ball.
- Tell your students to stand in a circle with the paper balls.
- Tell your students that you should throw or shoot with paper balls for a few minutes. Students should be advised to avoid throwing the paper balls as high as the face. Thus students start the "snowball fight."
- Let them play for a minute. And then stop and ask to pick a ball and sit in their places.
- Tell your students to open the paper and write a few sentences about the person whose name is on the paper using the describing words.
- Tell them they shouldn’t show it to others while they are writing.
- The teacher should guide how to write by giving some clues if necessary.
- Once they write, again tell them to crush or fold the paper and start shooting or throwing.
- After a minute of joyful play, tell them to stop and stand in the circle by picking up a ball each.
- Now tell your students to open the paper and read the sentences loudly one by one.
So it's very interesting to know "What does your friend write about you?" and also it helps develop creative writing skills of your students. they can image the person or friend and use the words in his/her description in a creative way. This will give twin benefits in developing language and creative skills.
After this game, I have told them the words are called adjectives and used to describe a person, thing or an object. I have explained to them by giving some more examples using other describing words. Later I have given to them a list of adjectives. You can use this game according to your topic and level of your students.
Activity: Colouring, writing, and reading.
In the next period after the introduction of the adjectives, I have given colour papers to my students and told them, write any six adjectives that suitable to your character on the paper. Next, I have given a head and legs pictures to them and told to colour it. Later I have told them to prepare a puppet of you by pasting the paper as shown in the picture. And then I have told them to present.
Suggested Presentation:
"I am a good, short, young, active and handsome boy/girl." and "He/She is a good, short, young, active and handsome boy/girl."
Here you can see my student's presentation in the below video.

It is equally important that each activity is meaningful, and ensures student development and advancement through the unit. Activities should build on previous activities and avoid being repetitive, they should enable students to engage with and develop their skills, knowledge and understandings in different ways. Hope you enjoy the post. Thanks for reading.
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