English Video Lesson and Transaction Method - "My Village"

 This Animated Picture Video is designed to support and understand the reading part of the lesson given in the Andhra Pradesh Govt Primary Class-II English Textbook by me, and the theme of community helpers. Children watch the story, acquire the new vocabulary, understand the meaning of the new words, develop the reading skills, predict a story, retell the story and aware the importance of community helpers.
           The main objective of the video is to develop the reading skills of the primary class children especially to develop and create English environment in the class in terms to support the teachers to reduce the usage of the first language in the transaction of a lesson.
           Here I am describing the transaction of the lesson using this video and supplementary activities should follow to achieve the standards of the lesson.

Language Level: Primary and below
Learner Type: Beginners
Activity: Watching a Short Film, Speaking, Reading and Creative thinking.
Lesson: My Village.
Class: II
Language: Vocabulary in the lesson ( green fields, mountains, scenery, potter, weaving, jewellery and bathed)
Material: Short Film, Reading Slips, and Picture cards.

Step 1

  Ask the following questions to your children by showing the picture.

What are there in the picture?
Who are they in the picture?
Where are they going?
Where do you see such people?
Who are they?
Are they necessary to our society?

Step 2

Tell your children they are going to watch the short of a short video in which they see the pictures of boys, father, grandparents, potter, wood smith, weaver, gold smith..etc. As they watch their task is to try to understand what is happening and try to facilitate the children by explaining the scene in the pictures. Show the video until 01:06.

Step 3

Now explain and give the brief of the story until the pause and ask the following questions to your children. While asking the questions give the supporting clarification to the questions by replaying the video if they felt difficult to answer that question.

Where do Dinesh and Ganesh live?
Where did they want to go?
How did they ask their father?
What did they see during the journey?
Who lives in the village Neliparthi?
Where do your grandparents live?
Where did they want to go after breakfast?
Can you guess "What they are going to see in the village?"

while asking the questions drag their concentration to identify and understand the key vocabulary to acquire the language.

Step 4

Go back to the point in the video you paused at "the two brothers went out with their grandfather to see the village". Tell them they are going to observe the work of the community helpers (potter, weaver, Goldsmith, woodsmith, fisherman). Encourage them to imaginative and creative. After interaction with them tell them they are going to watch the rest of the story and check their predictions. Show the rest of the video.

Step 5

Now ask your children to answer the following questions.

Who makes pots?
Who weaves clothes?
Who makes furniture?
Who catches fish?
How did they enjoy in the village?
Have you ever met such people?
How does the community helpers help us?
Say other community helpers in your village?

Hold a plenary discussion session based on the questions.

Step 6

Show the video again,  but this time pause at key moments and get children to describe what is happening. Facilitate your children to understand the key vocabulary of the scene. Ask few analytical questions to aware the theme of the story and develop the moral value of respect to the community helpers.

 Step 7

Prepare reading slips of the lesson shown in the video to develop the reading skills among the children. Use those reading slips during the video next time you play and ask your children to identify the words and read the words after listening to the audio. Support your children to read fluently and understand the meaning of the phrase or sentence by using the video and reading slips.     ( Go to the link to find the supporting reading activity  Amazing Reading Activity)

Reading Activity

Step 8

Writing task for this lesson please click the below link to know in detail.

Writing Task for community helpers

Home Task:

Give a project work to the children to list out other community helpers in their village and how their works useful to all of us.

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