Welcome to School - A Ted Ed based interactive video lesson.

Lesson: Weclome to school
Grade: Preprimary and primary
Subject: English.
                 It is a TEd Ed based video lesson for self-learning of students. They can read and know the things and places in a school. Students can also learn some simple language functions like how to introduce themselves and their friends to a class. And also they can know the grammar part of "Articles." 

                 The entire lesson is having different sections. Each section has a video with some simple comprehension questions. Students should click on the image to get the lesson. They can watch and answer the questions by just typing their name.

1. Warm-up time:
Objective: Able to describe a place and identify the things and persons                    
                Here is a picture of the activity. Just click on the below picture to watch the video.
Observe the picture. Guess the place, the person greeting the children. And share your answers.

2A. Action time:
Objective: Able to read the names of the things in a school bag.                 
                           Meera is new to the school. Her father brought her a new bag. She kept some things in her bag and went to school. Observe the video and read the things in her school bag. And also write the things you carry in your school bag. Click on the image to watch the video.

2B. Action time:
Objective: Able to read the names of the things in a classroom.               
                  Raju is very happy. He is in his classroom. He noticed so many changes in his classroom. Observe the below picture and read the things in Raju's classroom. Click on the words in the below table to listen to the audio.

 Click the play button to listen to the audio

a black board

    a table

 a chair

 a window

    a door

 a bench

3A. Circle time:
Objective: Able to practice the dialogues and use in their usage.
                   (I am Raju. He is _____. He is my friend.) 
                    Raju and Meera are friends. They went to school. That is the first day of school. So their teacher asked to introduce them to the class. Observe the video and practice the dialogues with your friend, brother, or sister. Click on the image to watch the video.

3B.Circle time:
Objective: Able to know how to ask a question using "What." And practice the answer.
              In the evening Jhon, Rani, Meera, and Raju are talking to each other. Raju and Meera are very much interested to know the place in their school. So they walk around the school and know the places. Click on the image to watch the video. 

Objective: Able to know how to use "A and An"
           Their class teacher is teaching a lesson about "Articles" Meera and Raju are enjoying the class. Click on the image to watch the lesson. And do some comprehension.  

                 Hope you enjoy the lesson. Thank you.
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