"HEALTHY FOOD - Lesson plan, activities and downloadable worksheets to teach."

Topic: Healthy Food - Food for Kids (Rhyme)
Class: Primary and upper primary
Skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing.
                        Here is a great lesson plan and different kinds of activities to teach about healthy food. The worksheets and flashcards will help you to transact the lesson in an interesting and activity-based way. The activities will make your learners learn the concepts in a joyful way entire the lesson. And here is another interesting lesson plan to teach about food habits and good manners. You may visit if you find it useful and interesting. 

  • Able to know about healthy food.
  • Able to know the importance of healthy food.
  • Able to talk and write about their favourite food.

Preliminary interaction:
                                   Before starting the lesson you should prepare or get some vegetable and fruit flash cards. Otherwise, you can draw the below pictures to transact the lesson. Start the lesson by placing the below or your own flashcards on the board. Asked them to observe the cards and respond. And interact with them by asking few questions. 

1. What do you observe?
2. What are these?
3. Name some vegetables.
4. Name some fruits.
5. Why some fruits are laughing?
6. Why should we eat them?
7. What the apple and carrot are reading?
6. How do they help us?
7. Are they tasty?
8. Which fruit/vegetable do you like most? why?
    (you can add your own questions)

                        By asking the questions you should elicit some vocabulary like delicious, nutritious, strong, healthy,..etc. Then write their responses and the words on the board and make them understand its meaning. You can also ask students to say some sentences using the words like 
"Carrots are orange. Tomatoes are red. The apples are red. Brinjal is purple."
  The apple is tasty and delicious. 
  Vegetables keep us healthy and strong.
  Fruits have nutrients.
  Nutrients keep us healthy...etc.
             Make them understand the sentences and tell them to write some more sentences using the words.  

Play a game: "Turn Right and Left"
                     After the interaction, you should list some vegetables and fruit names on the board. 
And tell your students we are going to play a game. The game helps them to recognize and differentiate the fruits and vegetables. Here are the instructions.

How to play: 
  • Write some fruits and vegetable names on the board in a tabler form.
  • Make sure students should read them before playing the game.
  • Tell students to stand in a circle.
  • Tell students they should walk on the circle when the teacher says start.
  • Tell students they have to turn right and stop when the teacher says a fruit name, turn left and stop when he/she says a vegetable name.
  • Who turns wrongly will be eliminated from the game.
  • Continue the same until all the students are out or your time permits.
  • Make sure students should understand the instructions before playing the game.
                            The game helps the students understand and differentiate the fruits and vegetables. And also it fills some fun in the class. 

Presentation of the rhyme: 
                            I have used the below rhyme to teach about healthy food. Write the rhyme on a chart or show a PowerPoint slide. Tell students to read. Give some meaningful support to understand and read the rhyme. And then ask them to identify the elicited vocabulary in the previous interaction.
"Food is good and tastes delicious,
Keeps you healthy; it's nutritious.
Food will also help you grow,
Make you strong, when you grow.
Eating foods that are purple and green,
Will make you into a healthy teen.
Many great foods are really yummy,
If you eat too much, you'll hurt your tummy.
About healthy foods, you should read,
Learn what kids really need.
Food information you could share,
with your family, and show you care."

                          Later paste the below flashcards on the board and ask them to match the cards with lines in the rhyme. Help them to guess and match the cards. Explain the pictures to help them to match correctly. Here is the matching.

Food is good and tastes delicious,
Keeps you healthy; it's nutritious.
Food will also help you grow,
Make you strong, when you grow.
     Eating foods that are purple and green,
Will make you into a healthy teen.
Many great foods are really yummy,
    If you eat too much, you'll hurt your tummy.                                                                        
 About healthy foods, you should read,
Learn what kids really need.
Food information you could share,
with your family, and show you care.

                          Then divide the class into three groups and give flashcards and sentence slips. Tell them to discuss in the groups. After a minute, ask them to explain the meaning of the lines. And then try them to tune the rhyme. Finally, present your tune.

Reading Activity: 
                         After that, distribute the below worksheet to your students. Tell them there are some blanks in the rhyme. Tell them they have to fill the blanks by listening to the tune. The teacher will play or sing the rhyme twice or thrice to make them identify the missing words. Before you play the tune make them read in groups and also individually.  Once they complete, ask them to present. You can download the worksheet from the below link.

Speaking Activity:
                        Make your students into pairs. Give the below description and questions. Tell them to read and ask the questions to your partner. Make sure students should read well before doing the activity. You can see my student's presentation in the below video to conduct the activity.

  • Good food is healthy and tasty.
  • Food helps us grow.
  • Purple and green foods make us healthy teens.
  • we should read about healthy food.
  1. How are the good foods?
  2. What should we read?
  3. How does purple and green food help us?
  4. How does good food help us?

Writing Activity: "Why do you like/dislike a fruit or vegetable?
                      Here is a worksheet to do the activity (Download the Worksheet). Download and get some photocopies before conducting the activity. Tell your students that they are going to get some pictures of fruits and vegetables and a worksheet. They have to crop, separate and paste the vegetables and fruits in the right box given in the worksheet. And then they have to write a few sentences about a fruit and vegetable that they like most and dislike. Finally, tell them to present their work. You can see my student's presentation in the below video.

Thank you for reading.

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