Days of a Week- an Innovative Wheel

Class: 2nd Grade
Lesson: Days of a Week
Subject: English
Language Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

                          This is one of my best unit transactions in my teaching. And we know supporting learning material always gives better results in the classroom. Children were involved in different activities during the transaction process. Especially a "WEEK WHEEL" model has supported me to conduct speaking and writing activities.  

  • Know the days of a week.
  • Order of the days in a week.
  • Able to read, spell and write the day's names.
  • Able to communicate and write the day's names using today, yesterday and tomorrow. 
                          I started my lesson by asking interactive questions and elicited the names of the days. Then I wrote the names on the board in a wheel to identify the sequence. Later I planned a whole class activity to check how far they understood the sequence and identify the days. I wrote the day's names on slips and distributed to my children and told them to stand in the correct order. They discussed and stood in the correct after few minutes. Then I called one by one to read the day's names to develop proper identification and reading. I also used those slips to learn the spellings. I taught them the spelling of a day by folding the letters one by one. (Suppose if I take Monday,  I firstly fold "y" and ask the full spelling then "ay" and then "day". Every time they have to say full spelling. Like I taught them and they learned quickly.) 

                                                       In the next period, I gave these worksheets to test their understanding. Children didn't face any difficulties in filling these worksheets. 

                                                      And then I concentrated on speaking in the next period. I explained how to read the wheel. Children practiced those sentences in groups by moving the wheel like "Today is Monday." "Tomorrow will be Tuesday." and "Yesterday was Sunday." Like they developed speaking skills to say the day's names by using today, yesterday and tomorrow.

(Reading Video)

                           Finally, I told my children to write those sentences on a worksheet. I divided my children into groups and gave the wheel and the worksheet to write the sentences.

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