"My Habits"- Rhyme Activities and Worksheets.

Class: 2nd
Lesson: My habits
Academic Standards: Speaking and writing.

                My Habits Rhyme gave good exposure to my 2nd class children to speak and respond to their daily routines. I connected this lesson with their daily activities and few speaking activities gave good exercise to use the language in their real-life situations.

              I started teaching the rhyme with a video of daily routines. I explained these are our daily routines and we should do these works for a healthy life. So we called these are good habits. I elicited related vocabulary waking up, brushing, bathing, playing, and going to school.

             Later I gave flashcards to my children to speak and explained the habit. Like all the children explained their flashcards. Students presented like...
She is brushing.
He is bathing
He is reading.
She is going to school.
 this speaking activity helped the children to practice the sentences and write those sentences correctly in the writing activity. You can watch the presentation in the below video.
          Finally, I played the audio of the rhyme to sing and act.


 At last, I gave a worksheet to write the key vocabulary in the rhyme and get aware of the activities which we do in the respective time. So I prepared below worksheet having clocks. So I instructed my children to write the habit which we do at a particular time. Through this worksheet, children got the vocabulary given in the rhyme. And then I gave another worksheet to write the sentence by observing the picture. you can download the worksheets from the below link.

Download the worksheet 1

Download the worksheet 2

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