Language Games for Teaching and Practicing Vocabulary - Part II

Topic: Language Games
Level: Pre-primary and Primary
Skills: Vocabulary and speaking
              Here is another set of language games to teach and practice vocabulary. You can use these games in teaching other subjects also.

Clap Clap Clap:
  • To help pupil memorise and practice the words related to a topic.
  • Make sure you have taught them vocabulary related to the topic. ( Topics: Animal names, fruits names, flower names, and vehicles..etc)
  • Pupils are asked to stand in a circle.
  • You stand in the middle of the circle.
  • You need to choose a topic before going to play.
  • Make sure the pupils know how to play. If they don't then give a quick demonstration giving a simple topic like 'animals'. The pupils have to say animals names only. ( dog, tiger, cat, lion...etc.)
  • You start the game by saying a word related to the topic after clapping three times (clap..clap..clap..)
  • For example, if you choose 'animals' you say tiger after clapping 3 times. (clap..clap..clap..'tiger'.)
  • Then a pupil in the circle continues by clapping and saying another animal (clap..clap..clap..'lion'), the next pupil says (clap..clap..clap..'fox'). Continue until all the pupil gets a chance.
  • Make sure the pupil should say the word after clapping 3 times. (It gives a rhythming sound.)
  • If a pupil does not say he moves out.
  • You can change the topic while they are playing or after completion of one round. Like you continue the game by changing the topics to practice the vocabulary related to the topics. 
I'm Sanjay and I'm Smart...
  • It's a good game to practice adjectives.
  • And also you can use this game to practice professions also.
  • Pupils introduce themselves to the class using an adjectic=ve which begins with the same letter as their name.
  •  Case (1): The first pupil says "I am Sherin and I am Smart."; the next pupil says "I am Harsha and I am Handsome:. Like they continue.
  • Case (2): The first pupil says "I am Sherin and I am a shop keeper."; the next pupil says "I am Harsha and I am a horse rider:. Like they continue.
Domino Cards:
  • It's a good game to match the pictures with spellings.
  • You can extend the game for synonyms, antonyms, singular- plurals, collocations, and prepositions ...etc.
  • First, you need a set of cards (Domino cards). Suppose if you introduce new words with pictures, one set of pictures and another set of words.
  • Before playing the game revise or pre-teach of all the items on the domino cards.
  • Mix up the cards and place them all pictures face down on one side of the table and place them all words face down on the other side of the table.
  • Divide the class into teams.
  • Now a pupil from a team comes and picks up a card or picture from one side and show it to the class.
  • Then he has to pick up the matching card for the other side.
  • If he picks up both cards correctly he wins and the team gets a point and you should remove the cards from the game.
  •  If not, he should keep the cards in the same place. Don't change the place of the cards until the game ends.
  • Next, another pupil comes from another team and picks up a card. Like you continue the game.
Ball throwing game:

  • The teacher throws the ball to a pupil who has to say something or act something.
  • For example: An introduction to themselves, favorite things, what did he do yesterday, etc.
  • The pupil then throws the ball to someone else who has to speak or do mime.
  • This continues until everyone has had a chance to say or do something. 
  • I extended this game to practice the above sentences by my pupil.
  • The pupil who catches the ball acts out a situation or does a mime and other pupils guess the action and say the sentence. (He/She is reading a book.)
  • This helps to practice the language in a fun way.

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