Task Based Activity to teach ADVERBS through the Inductive Method

Topic: Adverbs.
Grade: Primary and secondary.
Skills: Grammar and writing.

                              Young children are wonderful in absorbing a new language. They can get a maximum of language through games and activities that they find funny. Their success in learning a foreign language does not depend on their knowledge of grammar. As Pinter (2006) stated that children can use grammatical structures very well, they can speak language clearly, but they are not able to say why they use a particular structure. If teachers teach grammar, it is very important to do it in context.
                               Here is a task-based activity that I have used to teach adverbs to my students in an inductive way. I have taught this topic after completion of the main lesson “Amar was late to school” by connecting the situations in the story. You can read my previous post "Task-based learning method to teach a story. I have used the same picture cards to teach adverbs.

                               I have started the session by pasting the four picture cards along with time. Then I have asked some questions based on the story and picture cards.
1. When did Amar wake up?
2. When did he have his bath?
3. When did he have his breakfast?
4. How did he reach school?
5. What time did he reach school?
6. Why was the school closed?
7. What did he wear on Sunday?
                        After a small discussion, I have asked them to write the answers on paper and discuss with their friend. I have asked some students to read their answers. I have made some corrections in those sentences and also guided them, to write correct answers. And then I have told them to check and rewrite. Later I have written another set of questions on the board by interrelating Amar’s activities. You can see the questions in the below picture.

              By posing these questions I want to aware of their daily activities based on the day of Amar. I have interrelated their regular actions/habitual actions with the actions that happened on Amar's day. 
               So I have asked my children to write answers to the questions using the words "daily, regularly, usually, always, and often" in the answers. The previous guidance helped them to write the answers easily. I have facilitated them by giving the meanings of the words. Here you can see my children's responses to these questions. 
                       Then I have written all the answers on the board, read the answers in an understandable manner and get them noticed the words "regularly, daily, always, and often. 

                  Amar' s activity                     My daily actions 
 Amar woke up at 8 0' clock.         I wake up at 6 o'clock daily.    
 Amar had his breakfast at 8:12 am. I have my breakfast at 8 o'clock daily.   
 Amar went to school by bus. I go to school by walk regularly.
 Amar reached school by 8:45 am. I always reach my school on time.
 Amar had done his homework in the evening.  I often do my homework.
 Amar wore a uniform on Sunday. I usually wear a civil dress on Sunday.

Then I made them read in an activity. For example,

Whole class: Amar woke up at 8’0 clock.
A Student: I wake up at 6’0 clock daily.

Later I have asked the below questions.
  1. What are these words?
  2. What does it mean?
  3. Why do we use it in the sentences?
                       After a small discussion, I have explained and told them the words are called adverbs. You can see my children work in the below image.

                                 Later I have explained some more adverbs by drawing some stick diagrams to make them understand the topic well. I have explained the usage and meaning of the words and how they affect a verb. The drawings have helped them to grasp the functioning of the adverbs quickly. Finally, I have comprehended my children with a worksheet.

                                    So in this activity, students have learned a new topic from a known story through an inductive teaching process. Language skills are being developed by interacting and expressing ideas relating to a known topic. This is important because the situation is chosen so that the human meanings conveyed within it are compelling and transparent, then the meaning of the grammatical point can almost "teach itself", reducing the need of verbal re-explanation from the teacher, and allowing the teacher to attend to the practice of the forms of the structure.
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Gangadhar said…
Well done Mr Rajesh u did a great job
Gangadhar said…
Well M R Rajesh u did a great job

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