Digital Lesson Transaction Method "White Rabbit and Black Rabbit"

                     This Animated Picture Video is designed to support and understand the reading part of the lesson given in the Andhra Pradesh Govt Primary Class-II English Textbook by me, and the themes of healthy habits and learning a language. Children watch the story, acquire the new vocabulary, understand the meaning of the new words, develop the reading skills, predict a story, retell the story and aware of the importance of good habits
           The main objective of the video is to develop the reading skills of the primary class children especially to develop and create English environment in the class in terms to support the teachers to reduce the usage of the first language in the transaction of a lesson.
           Here I am describing the transaction of the lesson using this video and supplementary activities should follow to achieve the standards of the lesson.

Language Level: Primary and below
Learner Type: Beginners
Activity: Watching a Short Film, Speaking, Reading and Creative thinking.
Lesson: White Rabbit and Balck Rabbit
Class: II
Language: Vocabulary in the lesson (jungle, rabbit, proud, fur, forest, dust, hay, tail, shiny, deer,                                                                      shabby, trim, nails, clothes, shoes, and polish )
                    Adjectives to describe the character ( colour, proud, shiny, bushy, clean, well dressed,                                                                                      shabby, dirty, superb and nice)
Material: Short Film, Reading Slips, and Picture cards.

Step 1

  Ask the following questions to your children by showing the picture.
  • What are there in the picture?
  • What are the animals in the picture?
  • How are they?
  • Have you ever seen the rabbit?
  • Where are the rabbits?
  • Where are they going?
  • What are they talking?
              Try to elicit the vocabulary of animals, rabbit, jungle, and colour. 

Step 2

Tell your children they are going to watch the short of a short video in which they see the pictures of two rabbits and the names are Twinkle and Dimple. They are studying 1st class in a jungle school. And tell your children what are they doing while they are walking through the forest.  As they watch their task is to try to understand what is happening and try to facilitate the children by explaining the scene in the pictures. Show the video until 00:54.

Now explain and give the brief of the story until the pause and ask the following questions to your children. While asking the questions give the supporting clarification to the questions by replaying the video if they felt difficult to answer that question.
  • What are the names of the rabbits?
  • Which class they are studying?
  • Why was Twinkle proud?
  • What did the white rabbit do on its way to school?
  • What happened to the white rabbit?
  • Where are they studying?
                               Facilitate your children to understand the meaning of proud, walking, running, jumping, dust, fur, stuck, hey, busy and tail by asking these questions. Practice the simple phrases like "walking in the jungle, running into bushes, jumping here and there and bushy round tail."

Step 4

Go back to the point in the video you paused at and play until 01:41. Now ask the following questions.
  • Why did Dimple warn him?
  • What did their teacher say?
  • What do you think, Twinkle has won the prize?
Step 5

Go back to the point in the video you paused at they reached the school. Tell them Twinkle hasn't got the prize and their teacher gave the prize to the Dimple. Now ask them to predict the story what happens next by asking why didn't their teacher give the prize to Twinkle. Encourage them to imaginative and creative. After interaction with them tell them they are going to watch the rest of the story and check their predictions. Show the rest of the video.

Step 6

Now ask your children Why did their teacher give the prize to the Dimple?
Now pair your children and practice the phrases
 "keeps his body clean, trims his nails, wears washed clothes, shoes are polished and books are neat."

Now call a student and say one of these phrases by pointing a child in their class. 
Ex: Suresh wears washed clothes.
       Ravi books are neat.
       Syalaja is clean and well dressed.

Practice these conversations with the children for two or three periods.

Step 7

Show the video again,  but this time pause at key moments and get children to describe what is happening. Facilitate your children to understand the key vocabulary of the scene. Ask a few analytical questions to aware the theme of the story good habits.

Step 8

Prepare reading slips of the lesson shown in the video to develop the reading skills among the children. Use those reading slips during the video next time you play and ask your children to identify the words and read the words after listening to the audio. Support your children to read fluently and understand the meaning of the phrase or sentence by using the video and reading slips.

Home Work

Practice and read the phrases given in the textbook related to good habits.

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